According to Lindsay Kiriakos, people are more productive and satisfied at work when they can also manage their personal obligations. Work life balance is important for employees in terms of health, productivity, and employee loyalty. Here's an explanation. Work life balance is a concept that reflects our current society. This article explores the meaning of work life balance and how to create it in your own life.

In today's modern society, work life balance is very important to our well-being. Many people struggle to find the perfect work-life balance. The pressures of work can cause stress, and you need time to recuperate. However, many people still fail to find this balance. In addition to feeling guilty about taking time off, it's also vital to find a way to have a life outside of work. For example, delegating tasks can allow you to work better on your job and spend time doing other things, like exercising or listening to music.

The term "work-life balance" was coined in 1986, and its use has been sporadic for decades. However, programs and policies that encourage employees to spend time with their families and friends have been around for decades. Bird (2006) observed that traditional industries were the most work-life-balance-friendly, and that women were more likely to feel fulfilled in their careers. This is one of the many reasons why work-life balance is so important to the workplace, as it improves employee commitment and engagement.

Lindsay Kiriakos believes that your work life balance may decrease or increase. It may take more time than you thought, or it may create more space in your life. In the long run, work-life balance means that you find time to spend with your family and on your health. In fact, many companies have made work-life balance one of their top priorities. For some, this means flexible work hours and sabbatical leaves. For others, it may mean changing careers to find a different kind of work-life balance.

It is important to note that working long hours is not good for your health. Overworking at work increases the risk of depression, a chronic illness, and other health problems. Research also indicates that long working hours may increase productivity. However, in 2014, a study of over forty workers found that their productivity decreased after certain hours. This finding has implications for people who are pursuing a career in a highly stressful field. There is a need for better work-life balance for our mental health.

Lindsay Kiriakos feels that the current work-life balance law does not address gender norms. Pregnant women and mothers have been historically discriminated against in the labour market, which is exacerbated by the law. The shared parental leave package does not address the discrimination women face, and it fails to tackle the issue of working hours as it only benefits a small percentage of the workforce. That is why the concept of work-life balance is not a perfect solution for our society.